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  Toledo, OH
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4 members
89.9 average score
12.9 average handicap
JBubenko says:
Hello Group, how is it going? Well it is December in Toledo and not much golf going on here lately. However I have gotten to play a little on a simulator. My son-in-law works for aboutGolf and he has gotten me into play on their sims. Really an awesome toy. Check it out sometime if you have a minute on I think they have done an incredible job with the reality of play. I hit my driver and it goes the distance I expect and has the same ball flight I usually hit. My irons have the same distances also. Pretty increidble.
3395 says:
Glad that the rain finally has slowed down. Now able to get some decent golf in without coming in all muddy....LOL
3395 says:
Did get to squeeze a game in recently but only nine holes. swing mechanics seems to be getting better. Looking forward for it to show up on the scorecard.
JBubenko says:
Good to hear that someone is getting out to play. I was thinking about a southern trip myself but been too busy at work to even consider taking time away. I do think next week I might head out and get in at least 9 unless we get some warmer weather. Toledo area is pretty bad for golf right now weatherwise. I was really hoping to play this weekend but it is supposed to rain. Even considered driving 3 hours if needed but the system looks pretty large so I will probably watch it on TV.
3395 says:
Finally got out for a few rounds in hilton head, all had a great time. Back home inb Cincinati area and the weather is to cold and wet to play maybe a couple weeks or more. Just might re-rust again.
Vacc says:
This winter sucks. Florida bound end of March I tried the new R 11 I'll wait fir the Callaway RAZR
JBubenko says:
How is it going members'. Anyone else have the winter blues. I am bored stiff and can't wait to get out and play some golf. I bought new Taylormade burner irons after christmas and I really would like to get out and hit them. Winter in Toledo Sucks. Either of you guys playing anywhare at all?

Rank User Course Score
* only 9-holes played

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* only 9-holes played