Mark Hauer's Equipment Stats
Rossa Classic Daytona 1 AGSI+- TaylorMadeDesigned by Kia Ma from TaylorMade's Tour department, the Rossa putter is available in five classic shapes — three blades and two mallets. Being 100% precision-milled from 1020 carbon steel means every curve, corner and surface is perfectly rendered, giving each head the look and feel of a finely crafted instrument. Some of the models feature micro weighting in the back cavity to perfectly position the center of gravity behind the sweet spot. = with this equipment = without this equipment Scores Entered: 2766 Score Over Par: 1718 Putts Per Hole: 1.981.94 Greens In Regulation: 29.1%22.2% Fairways: 40.6%35.8% |