Nike - VR Cast V-REV Black Satin
VR Cast V-REV Black Satin
- NikeNew V-Rev groove design to conform to the new USGA/ R&A rules. Dual Sole design for versatility in multiple conditions. The profile of the VR V-Rev wedges are preferred and played by many of Nike Golf’s tour professionals.V Rev Grooves: The new V-Rev groove design to conform with new USGA/R&A rules. 8620 Carbon Steel: Constructed from 8620 carbon steel (45% softer than 17-4 stainless). The materials of choice for accomplished players.
APenfold1998 - 9/2/14
prushton - 11/29/13
haller24 - 7/14/13
steviec42 - 6/30/13
JimmySockets - 5/30/13
MarkRow - 4/12/13
josb1010 - 3/31/13
Trumpetheid - 3/22/13
Golfer Stats
Number of Users: 30
Average Handicap: 11.6
Equipment Ratings