SCOR Golf - SCOR4161


  - SCOR Golf
Unlike most wedges, which are simple variants of iron sets, the SCOR4161™ scoring clubs are specially designed for better and more accurate performance from 100 yards in. 21 options are available, ranging from 41° to 61° of loft.
  adidaslovesnike1314 - 8/21/23
Nike Dunks Reps This bright yellow shade is applied all throughout the shoe, painting everything from the overlays to the adjacent strap and zip tie.
  chrisjonson223 - 3/13/23
Finally, it is important to consider the mattress cover or protector. These are essential for keeping your mattress clean and free of dust mites and other allergens. Many mattress covers are made with synthetic materials and should be avoided if possible. Instead, look for covers made with natural materials, such as organic cotton, wool, and bamboo.
  mlennon - 1/3/12
Available in one degree increments from 41 to 61 degrees allowed me to customize gap options. Individually designed forged. Multiple shaft options allowed excellent transition from graphite G20 middle irons. Excellent look and feel. A bit pricey but I highly recommend them to improve GIR and sand game.
  jimewing22 - 3/18/18
  CanadaLefty - 7/25/16
  putt4one - 4/30/16
  D WILSON - 10/30/15
  BCham454 - 8/31/15
Golfer Stats
Number of Users: 68
Average Handicap: 12.9
mightyquinn82ktmzakccgolfermustang6560mmelohntampagolfkevinmoosayalajuansquall1478thegr8one1rustyjimewing22Row DoggGolfMindJohnnyShepEl Bandito27Tkaksarbentheebdk@verizon.netclayplaysmlennon

Equipment Ratings




