Odyssey - White Hot #1

White Hot #1

  - Odyssey
Urethane insert for soft, pleasing feel. Lightweight insert moves mass away from the center of the putter and redistributes it around the perimeter for more resistance to twisting. Insert technology gives you consistent rebound for enhanced distance control on long and short putts.
  mikmakDD - 4/17/24
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Golfer Stats
Number of Users: 976
Average Handicap: 14.3
LCBOEdStephen MvillagecopMiles_AvekennytuckerDebsLoftlme615dalelozowaynes_ironsrkatektaiaKneelengthpolokid yvcmwilkes65paulod321savepar2002Rjeff33JTLapradeTazman22braxtonbsusmkqep

Equipment Ratings




