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Warrior - Signature Series Blade

Signature Series Blade

  - Warrior
These perimeter-weighted blades feature a plumber's neck hosel.
  Utahkeith - 1/16/14
This actually replaced my old "Knight" blade style putter which I had used since the mid 80's! I had purchased a few putters with the intent on replacing my old Knight before, but nothing had the feel or performance or gave me the confidence that my old $15.00 k-mart special knight putter did until this past spring. This Warrior Custom Golf Signature Series Blade Putter is very light, much lighter than my knight, that worried me, but it is awesome! I love the feel and control it gives me! I loved it so much I asked for a back up with my next Warrior Custom Golf Order, which they threw in free, just like my first one! I cut 2 and a 1/4 inches off the shaft, threw on Winn Jumbo Grips and I love them even more!!! They are the perfect putter for me once I customized them in late October, my putting got even better, can't wait for 2014!!!
  JBohn714 - 7/9/14
  MARK62707 - 7/4/14
  jtaylr1 - 7/9/12
  kduffield - 12/21/11
  Big E - 6/16/10
  RichFrankhouser - 4/1/10
Golfer Stats
Number of Users: 14
Average Handicap: 16.7
nolimitrichBig E

Equipment Ratings




