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Ping - Scottsdale Anser 2

Scottsdale Anser 2

  - Ping
The solid feel and consistent response of the insert in the new Scottsdale Series will help your distance control and accuracy. The insert is made of a thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) with a face appliqué for a soft yet solid feel on every putt. This response is key in accurately gauging distances. The combination of TPE and high-contrast alignment aids allow you to take confident aim with your Scottsdale putter. Choose from many models, including a number of bold new designs like the Wolverine.
  rapev93564 - 1/16/25
I, like many players, needed a Liberation of Undermine boost. I've been working on Liberation of Undermine for a long time, but every time something went wrong. Finally, I decided it was time to look for help. I came across Boosting service Liberation of Undermine and decided to give it a try. The guys turned out to be real professionals. They walked me through the raid, explaining all the nuances. Not only did it help me get through the raid, but it also helped me improve my gaming skills. If you are looking for help, they are the ones I recommend.
  zuelusher - 11/26/15
Superior insert results in consistent rolls and better starting lines. Have two other good putters, but make more putts and have better lag putting with this one which I won in a tournament.
  Phil Daddy - 8/24/13
Puts okay. Would like a taller face though. I sometimes hit it outside of the soft face.
  halerob - 6/29/18
  daviedav - 1/3/18
  disonk - 8/17/17
  phgconstruction - 10/6/16
  dbrooks1906 - 6/9/16
Golfer Stats
Number of Users: 114
Average Handicap: 13.9
bfpshiggsy1991rcgolfingMrfknTPINGi20'sAtariKidGreg OwenBUNNELLkmoser@shaw.caMark Simpsonrocketsoccerjoconn10Chrisbryantjmb1963andercjwneedhamjjoos10TBrake66Greg81nawaggoner016

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