Rife - Abaco
- RifeCast of 304 stainless steel, the Island Series Abaco putter features Guerin Rife's "RollGroove" technology of horizontal, very closely-spaced grooves. The space between the grooves is called land. Because this land is sharp, the ball tends to spend more time on the face at impact. This allows for only 1° to 2° of loft, instead of the 4° on conventional flat-faced putters.

This putter is not supposed to work for me. I am a straight back and thru putter. This heel-shafted, to-heavy putter is supposed to be for arc putters. But I picked one up one day to kill time at the golf store and couldn't miss! I took it home and eventually tried it out on the course, and I have not putted with anything else since then (I have a Scotty Cameron, and a Taylormade Rossa mallet sitting in my basement waiting for their turn back in the bag, but it might be a long wait for them. This is a very elegant looking putter with a nice, simple allignment aid. The balance somehow works for me and as with all Rife putters the roll is excellent. On occasion, I will pull a long putt offline to the left. That may be the toe-heavy thing coming into play, but it is deadly accurate inside 5 feet for me so it rarely produces a 3 putt.
Golfer Stats
Number of Users: 17
Average Handicap: 9.4
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