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SKB - ATA Staff Travel Case

ATA Staff Travel Case

  - SKB
This travel case is manufactured from high-molecular weight military-grade polyethlene and is ATA 300 Category I-compliant. It accommodates most "tour" / "staff" golf bags up to 16 inches wide, as well as 48-inch drivers.

MODEL #: 2SKB-4816W
WEIGHT: 24 lbs.

  savafa9351 - 12/7/24
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  Jamorrison - 12/5/24
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  pahel33530 - 11/27/24
I think those who really work hard and hard will understand how much you want to come to a place and relax. I found this spa in Bali It helps you to relax and revitalize yourself because the spa offers many treatments for your body. I was finally able to put everything out of my mind and fully immerse myself in the pleasurable experience.
  flyfishcpa - 9/5/13
  Bridog - 8/9/13
  13tarheel13 - 2/16/12
  h.gilmore - 8/5/10
  ryantar - 6/18/10
Golfer Stats
Number of Users: 11
Average Handicap: 10.5

Equipment Ratings




