The Masters Clubhouse


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  Winston-Salem, NC
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The Master's Clubhouse is reserved for a group of terrific "net" golfers who compete each year for the Master's Trophy at some of the most pristine courses in NC, SC, and VA. If you can triple bogey from inside 100 yards, 3-putt from inside 10 feet, or yell "WHOA SHEBA" on about half of your drives, this might be the group for you.

12 members
96.3 average score
17.5 average handicap
ScottAyers says:
The Master's Trophy Wall of Awesome:
(past winners, net scores)

2023: Pinehurst - Dwight: -3
2022: Sunset Beach - Josh H: +9
2021: Pinehurst - Dwight: 0
2020: Local Trip - Wes: +1
2019: Pinehurst - Alan: +5
2018: Pinehurst - Andy: +2
2017: Sunset Beach - Brian: -7
2016: Pinehurst - Brian: -6
2015: Sunset Beach - Brad: +13
2014: Sunset Beach - Dwight: +5
2013: Pinehurst - Alan: -1
2012: Mt. Mitchell - Matt: 0
2011: Raleigh - Donald: -6
2010: W. Virginia - Tommy: -6
2009: Pinehurst - Josh C: -19
2008: Pinehurst - Josh C: -3
2007: Pinehurst - Dwight: +3

Rank User Course Net
1.Andy BenfieldSalem Glen CC64
2.Andy BenfieldMeadowlands GC65
3.ScottAyersOlde Homeplace GC65
4.ScottAyersHolly Ridge Glf Link67
5.ScottAyersPudding Ridge GC68
6.Andy BenfieldSalem Glen CC73
7.Andy BenfieldSalem Glen CC75
8.Blue DogsPGA National Resort75
9.App StateSurf Glf & Beach Clu78
10.App StateCrow Crk GC81
* only 9-holes played

Date User Course Score
4/26ScottAyersPudding Ridge GC82
4/19ScottAyersOlde Homeplace GC80
* only 9-holes played