Golfers of South Jersey


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  Millville, NJ
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Looking for other golfers in South Jersey to form a big enough group so we can get big discounts on green fees and cart. Trying to form a golf buddy format free for all to enjoy.

9 members
89.3 average score
13.4 average handicap
jonaesir says:
BCham454 Welcome to the group, Bill. How is your father doing? Email me at
Duffer G
jonaesir says:
BCham454 My SGX is working just fine zooming up the fairway or zooming onto the green. This was accomplished after a recent software upgrade. Check to see that you have the proper options enabled.
Duffer G.
BCham454 says:
Purchased the new Skycaddie Touch. Strongly recommend do NOT buy. There are all kinds of problems. Until this is all fixed, it's worthless. Even after this is fixed I'm still not sure it's worth it. I have SGX and was really looking for a better zoom on the new model. Right now it looks like the same as the SGX, just moves you up the fairway, but not zooming in. If that stays the same, then you are only upgrading to see better tree definition. Very disappointed !
joel dengler says:
This is a good group of golfers in here.. Some really good scores
mrdivot4 says:
BCham454 Thanks again for joining us. From the looks of things it looks like you figured out how to play the game quickly. Enjoy the days you now have as a retiree playing a little golf and enjoying the rest of your life. I have a few years to go before I to can retire and I am looking forward to playing a lot more golf in those days of life ahead of me.There is a golf tournament better ball scramble at Pitman Golf Club if you are interested ? It is on June 28 th a Friday . I need a fourth to complete my team foursome cost $ 100.00 for Glassboro Park and recreation . Michael
BCham454 says:
Was interested to join a group. Saw yours was local. I'm 60 years old from Thorofare and been retired 4 years. Took up golf upon retirement, and play 3-4 times a week. Play afternoons. I worked construction for 30 years, getting up really early, now I'm up late and sleep in. Hope to hook up with some group members for a round or two.
mrdivot4 says:
BCham454 Thanks for joining the Golfers of South Jersey . We also can be found at as well as on facebook. Looking forward to meeting you someday and playing a round of golf. How did you hear about are fine golfing group ? Be sure to continue you to grow are group by spreading the word about us. We have 88 members on facebook about 14 on are web page. Most members facebook for those that don't we have are webpage to communicate with each other. Have formed golfing foursomes in the past to play in golf better ball scramble tournaments. Thanks again for joining us. Michael
mrdivot4 says:
Nice score Duffer G at Town & Country . I hope you enjoyed the day out there . Looking to play in a golf tournament there in a couple of weeks .
mrdivot4 says:
Just letting you know our Golfers of South Jersey website is back up and running . Please go to Thank you and looking forward to hearing from you. Michael
jonaesir says:
Should anyone be interested, there is a photo of the new hat and shirt available from the Golfers of South Jersey on the website.
golfnuts59 says:
Is any one going to the Philadelphia Golf Show February 10-12, 2012 at Veterans Memorial, 100 Station Avenue, PA 19456

Friday 12 pm – 6 pm
Saturday 9 am – 6 pm
Sunday 10 am – 4

Admission (good for all 3 days)
Adults $10.00
Children under 12 Free (when accompanied by an adult)

mrdivot4 says:
Looking forward to the 2012 golf season . I hope everyone gets a fair chance to get out and play some good golf this year. Please spread the word about our group to others this year always looking to add new members.
mrdivot4 says:
Hello All
Winter time is a great time to boost the membership here at Golfers of South Jersey . Please do your part in growing our fine golfing group. I hope to put together another golf outing for us next year , also I would like any information on any golf tournament at your golf course or else where so I can get the word out to everyone here . Enjoy your holidays with your family and friends and I will talk with you soon. Thanks for your attention Michael
jonaesir says:
All seemed to have gone well yesterday at the first annual tourney. Round time did not seem to be a factor considering that the course had a mix up in tee times for some of the regulars. It is a good thing we made arrangement a couple of months in advance. The course is starting to dry out more since it has stopped raining. As Michael said, maybe next year we can do this on a Saturday in September. As soon as April rolls around, I can check with the Pro and see if we can get an early reservation for a date. See y'all on the course.
mrdivot4 says:
Still plenty of openings available for our very own golf outing scheduled at Pitman Golf Course on Sunday October 23 , 2011 cost $ 40. 00 green fee and cart starting tee time 11:00 am and beyond let me know if you are interested by no later then October 1st. Thanks Michael
Darryn O'Donnell says:
If any of you guys are looking to play some different courses for cheaper rates check out There's some really good deals in their book. Darryn
mrdivot4 says:
Hello members be sure to checkout two other websites available to us they are. or under groups Golfers of South Jersey also at Golfers of South Jersey. Thank You Michael
mrdivot4 says:
Hey Duffer G
Nice round 78 way to go. Michael

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* only 9-holes played

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* only 9-holes played