Score to Par
Do you play Par 3, 4 or 5s the best? Analyze and compare your scoring averages.
Greens in Regulation
How many greens are you hitting in regulation? Analyze and compare your approach shots.
Scramble Percentage
Do you get up-and-down from around the green? Analyze your Par conversions around the green.
Are you hitting the fairway from the tee? Analyze and compare the results of your tee shots.
Putting Analysis
How many putts do you average per hole? Analyze and compare your putting results.
Tee Shot Scatter Plot
Do you know where your tee shot misses are? Analyze your tee shots relative to target and distance.
Club Gapping Chart
Do you know the distance you hit each club? Analyze the club distances in your bag and determine gaps.
Approach Shot Scatter Plot
Do you know where your approach shot misses are? Analyze your approach shots relative to target and distance.
Statistics by Course
Would you like to know your performance by course? Analyze your scores and statistics per golf course.
Single Statistic Trend
Would you like more analysis on a single aspect of your game? Query and analyze any statistic to determine trends.
Game Development
Does missing the fairway equate to you missing the green? Analyze and identify correlations between statistics.
Lowest Handicap
Handicap: -75
Location: ,
Rank: 1st
Rank Golfer Handicap
2 clwydroberts -74
3 g1563 -73.3
4 brickendon -73
5 PCampbell22 -73
GIR Percentage
GIR Percentage: 100%
Rank: 1st
Rank Golfer GIR
2 bdware 100%
3 Lordoayr 100%
4 jobby52 100%
5 Michaelpi 100%
Fairway Percentage
Fairway Percentage: 158.6%
Rank: 1st
Rank Golfer Fairway
2 DeanMech 100%
3 jebraxt717 100%
4 ssmecca 100%
5 ParkerMyles 100%
Average Putts
Avg. Putts: 0
Rank: 1st
Rank Golfer Avg. Putts
2 suds28 0
3 chad1roper 0
4 cgarson 0
5 luckymops 0