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Belgrade Lakes Golf Club
West Rd
Belgrade Lakes, ME 04918-0500, United States

Only in the rustic woodlands and panoramic hills of central Maine, could a destination exist that offers such a pure and unforgettably unique golfing experience. Designed by acclaimed architect Clive Clark, the Belgrade Lakes golf course uses it most valuable asset—the idyllic landscape—to its utmost advantage. In addition to an award-winning layout rivaling any of the country’s best, Belgrade Lakes offers country club level service, blended with authentic Maine accessibility. The result is 18 holes of memories for golfers of all levels.

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Course Details

Greens Fees (including cart):
   Weekday:$150 - $199
   Weekend:$150 - $199
   No discounts for 9-holes.
General Manager:Kyle
Guest Policy:open
Dress Code:Collared Shirt (No Denim)
Season Start:April
Season End:October
Reserved Tee Times:Online & Phone
Pro Shop :yes
Fairways Grass:Bent
Driving Range:none
Short Game Practice:yes
Water Hazards:Moderate
Sand Bunkers:Moderate

Nearby Courses

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Include 9-hole scores Best score per golfer
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(*): Score has gametracker data
Recent Reviews

  Grobak - 06/16/2017
If you can play in the boarder season, this place is an awesome value. Great design, challenging, spectacular views and on point hospitality. If they offer you a ride from the 9th green to the 10th tee, take it. Trust me
  Add2144 - 06/22/2012
Beautiful course, well maintained, pretty scenery, greens are quick and a challenge to read.
  norm.l.laliberte267 - 10/08/2011
Although the rates are high it is still worth it, one of the top courses in New England. A must play for all serious golfers. The view from the first tee is the best I've ever seen on a first tee ant any golf course, and I've played many of the top 100 in the states.
  pj13368 - 07/12/2011
This is a must play for any serious golfer. A few holes could use a Hogan Highway for walking. A few holes like 10 and 14 could use a bunker to serve as a targer as its hard to judge the distance going down hill or on the blind uphilll shot so you want a target some where. Greens are a bit unfair with certain pin placements. That said - I still rate it as 5 stars - its just that good!
  Bdemelo1027 - 05/15/2011
Very well kept course. The only downer is no driving range but the people that work there are super nice and helpful. One of my favorite courses.
  RickyLowell - 06/30/2021
  kinga24 - 02/14/2014
  Chris Gagnon - 08/08/2013
  kmreilly1969 - 07/10/2013
  jmcguinness47 - 06/29/2013
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