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Lodestone Golf Club
212 Marsh Hill Rd
Mc Henry, MD 21541-1402, United States

This course is located on a mountain ridge above Deep Creek Lake and Wisp Resort, and was a co-design by Hale Irwin and architect Todd Schoeder. Numerous elevation changes include a 110-foot drop from tee-to-green on 13, while native fescue grasses frame many of the course's holes. The course is about two hours' drive from Pittsburgh and three hours from the Washington DC area.

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Course Details

Greens Fees (including cart):
   Weekday:$125 - $149
   Weekend:$125 - $149
Superintendent:Scott McMillion, GCSAA
Guest Policy:open
Dress Code:Collared Shirt (No Denim)
Reserved Tee Times:Online & Phone
Pro Shop :yes
Fairways Grass:Bent
Driving Range:yes
Short Game Practice:yes
Water Hazards:Scarce
Sand Bunkers:Moderate

Nearby Courses

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Lodestone Golf Club:    

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(*): Score has gametracker data
Recent Reviews

  ishardwood - 04/08/2017
Great in Every way.
  dbrinkman72 - 09/23/2012
Great scenery, had about 3 inches of rain the day before and the course was in perfect shape incloding the sand traps.This is a must play.
  dkinger - 08/27/2011
Very scenic mountain course. Large undulating greens in perfect shape, made for some interesting putts.
  Gizmo7 - 08/23/2011
I have played numerous mountain courses and this by far is the most scenic. Sand traps were a little rough due to animal tracks. The most undulated greens I have ever seen. Staff was great and I will be back
  mchain - 06/06/2011
scenic views...nice layout, relatively level for mountain course, bunkers were not raked and had multiple footprints, greens were very slow, all flagsticks had red flags - remember to ask someone to explain the pin positions - we did not know, until asking a maintenance worker on the 14th hole, that the pin placements correlated to the postion of the tee markers, i.e., tee markers up front = pin placement in back of green
  KEGWOMAN - 02/23/2014
  Rat_dvo - 08/05/2013
  cjamongus - 08/02/2013
  ncmeadows - 07/27/2013
  bfps - 07/19/2013
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