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Centennial Golf Course
101 Centennial Blvd
Oak Ridge, TN 37830-9035, United States

This public-access opened in 1997 with a design by Gary Roger Baird. The course is now operated by Billy Casper's golf course management firm.

This course has updated information like phone, address, description or scorecard and is pending approval. These changes must be approved before they will be available on a SkyCaddie.

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Course Details

Greens Fees (including cart):
   Weekday:$30 - $39
   Weekend:$40 - $49
   9-hole fees available anytime.
General Manager:Brian Loveday
Superintendent:Brian Hall
Guest Policy:open
Dress Code:Collared Shirt (No Denim)
Season Start:March
Season End:November
Reserved Tee Times:Online & Phone
Pro Shop :yes
Fairways Grass:Bermuda
Driving Range:Grass hitting surface
Short Game Practice:yes with sand bunker

Nearby Courses

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Centennial Golf Course:    

Include 9-hole scores Best score per golfer
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(*): Score has gametracker data
Recent Reviews

  RL Adams - 05/19/2013
I am completely surprise at the condition of this course for the money being charged. The scenary was beautiful but the condition was horrible. Tee boxes were so bad, with no grass and hard as rocks. The sand traps are being filled in with grass, the greens have dead spots all over them and the fairways were cut so short that most of the time you were hitting of dirt. Very, very disappointed. And it has potential to be a 5 star course!!!
  Vinnyno3putt - 07/28/2012
slowest round in years! Course is gooney golf! Horrible pin locations and horrible layout all around! Anyone ever fix a ball mark on these greens??? And to top it off, they only had us down as a twosome when had CLEARLY reserved a foursome and they were telling us they were booked up! (hence the slow play due to overbooking due to no communication!)....Had Forgotten why I never play here, now I wont soon forget again!
  burkhart91 - 12/22/2011
I play the course when I return home for family visits and always find it in above average condition. The course has the potential to be better if/as investments surface. All and all, well worth playing!
  dfbertsch - 08/08/2011
You will note that this course finally has HoleVue. Thanks to some inside help from Pat Woolsey.
Thanks Pat
  patchcotter - 06/28/2011
it is late June and the fairways are finally coming out. the course is governed by the city of Oak Ridge, there is the only problem. they don't give the maintenance crew enough money to keep it up. they do a good job but could be a 5 star course if someone would let them. the fairways have come in and it is beautiful. the tees have very little grass and need the help i spoke of earlier. there are minor details that could be attended to but grounds crews can't get there for the bigger fires, like ancient pumps going out.
  PWinter - 03/05/2014
  tim225 - 04/19/2013
  bq12 - 03/20/2013
  carphead - 09/01/2012
  PKLOWE - 08/25/2012
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