TaylorMade - r7 460 TP

r7 460 TP

  - TaylorMade

  hypotango2 - 1/20/23
This argument can be heard from people who regularly buy quality cigarettes. Allegedly, they are quietly taken out of large factories and resold almost for nothing. But the fact is that this is generally unlikely since tobacco factories have very strict control. And even if we assume that it will be possible to “take out” something, then certainly not in the quantities in which cigarettes are now sold without excise duty.
From this, we can conclude that most of the tax-free cigarettes sold from the trunk of cars, in kiosks, or on the Internet are the usual fakes that are produced in clandestine production. A fake, the composition of which is unknown to anyone.
  rllyons1952206 - 4/30/13
  Golfnut816 - 11/24/11
  HartAttack84 - 8/5/11
  lram14 - 5/22/11
  BRO-T - 6/28/10
  cadman_winnipeg - 6/26/10
  SteveA57 - 4/16/10
Golfer Stats
Number of Users: 20
Average Handicap: 11.5
Craig LeppertjwsbakcaSteveA57mdolenshekophusbd

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